Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action, Jelly Fish, and walking on water

Purple Jellyfish were everywhere. BJ took this great underwater shot while diving.

Brave Island Girls know their jellyfish
 Two months later  and we're back with more tall tales of the sea, new friends and some old ones too. Ron and I returned to Los Angeles for a whirlwind sequence of events. After a 10 hour plane trip, I rushed off to attended Phillis Birthday bash in Beverly Hills, and what a great party it was! 2 day's later it was off to Vegas for Ron and Philly's uncle Walt's 92 Birthday party. I barely had time to catch my breath. Talk about extremes! A trip to Ralph s supermarket brought tears to my eyes as I gazed upon the immaculate rows of fresh produce and everything else from soup to nuts. Ah good old America, God I miss it. Wandering the globe is amazing, but as Dorthy said in the Wizard of Oz, "there's no place like home" We visited with friends and family and though it was just a month ago, we miss you already! Now, about these jellyfish; just say the word jellyfish and horrible things come to mind, like getting stung to death by schools of these slimy devils with their long ugly tentacles. But as mother nature would have it, there are beautiful specimens that are harmless and beautiful. I never knew, SO, imagine my horror when in Musket Cove, our lovely new Australian friend Emma, casually plucked a large purple beauty from the clear blue waters! Marlyn  knew the purples were harmless, and took a turn saying hello. The waters were teaming with these guy's and BJ got some great underwater shots when he was diving.

Marlyn exposes the underbelly


Ron and Cookie at uncle Walt's party.

Phillis, I can't believe your 70! You look 50!

Poached pears for dessert

Love cooking in Philly's kitchen
It was great to have Forrest, Lowell and Natalie for dinner. I really miss you guy's. Wish I had gotten some pictures but I lost my camera in Vegas.

Our new friend Emma with Cookie, Ron, and captain Sean.
The crew took the weekend off and headed up to Uprising Resort for a music festival where they met Emma, a lovely lady from Australia. Emma was in Fiji for a few weeks doing work in Real Estate development and it was love at first sight, so we ask her if she would like to go sailing for a few days with us to Musket Cove, and she instantly agreed!  Emma captured the trip with hundreds of great photo's, which she organized for the blog. Emma, it was wonderful to have you aboard and we miss you already.
Musket Cove

The trip got even better when Rutai sailed into Musket Cove with old friends Neil, Ruth and Cory. These guys needed to chill out after a very rough 7 day crossing from New Zealand to Fiji. It was awesome that we were still in Fiji. Cory kayaked over the bay to Slow Dance and her parents didn't see her again for 3 day's. Thank's Cory for all the great Jam sessions and the opportunity to play my flute. Loved our group version of Bob Marley's Redemption Song and The Eagles Hotel California!

Slow Dance at Musket Cove
Cory, BJ, and Marlyn

Cookie, Marlyn, and Cory at Plantation Resort Musket Cove
Ron and his Cookie in matching green
Trinidad and Cookie
Group Photo, Musket Cove

It was a terrific get away after all the day's of endless monsoon. Winter has arrived in Fiji with hot dry day's and cool evenings. Slow Dance has been restored to her former beauty thanks to all Captain Sean and first mate BJ's hard work and the interior has never looked so grand; thank you Marlyn, you are a gem. We explored the private resorts around Mololo Island, picked Angel cards for our daily message, and discovered an amazing sand bar in the middle of the ocean that looked as if one were walking on water. Even Trinidad enjoyed her swim and shore leave.

As for the lights camera action part of the post......well, it all started last August when Survivor Samoa contacted Slow Dance to be on the show. We were docked in Apia, and the producers loved the boat. We of course signed a confidentiality and have not been able to talk about it but the segment should air any day now. Seems Chelsea, Kim, and Sabrina won a reward of a night on the yacht. We haven't seen it yet but Cookie is very likely in the shot serving up the starving girls some awesome delicacies. We had to wash their clothes as part of the deal, and believe me, they needed washing. The girls were beautiful when they were grubby but stunning after cleaning up. I wonder if any of them will win? Sorry, no pictures were allowed!

Here in Fiji, Ron has been recently contacted by Bollywood producers who are requesting Slow Dance for their 3-D underwater film. The deal is not been cut, but if it is a go, we will be here for a 5 week shoot. Hard to imagine a 3-D underwater Bollywood will they do all that singing and dancing underwater????? Should be interesting. The art department is requiring us to cover portholes, make rain, turn the salon into a bedroom, and make special stairs. We will keep you all posted. Never a dull moment on Slow Dance!

Emma designs a new swimsuit from seaweed
Marlyn and Emma clean the tender

BJ climbs the mast free hand! This is how real sailors get up the mast

BJ gets away from it all and takes a relaxing break
Trini loves her swim
Sand Bar

Sean and Emma made new friends

Sean, Emma, and Cookie

Cookie takes a morning swim

Ron feeding the fish bread which were more interested in biting his belly

Trini gets her official water dog certification

Angel cards of the Day
Cory and Marlyn
Cory and Marlyn on guitar; Cookie and Emma sing along with Marlyn

Cookie plays her flute
Music used to be a big part of life in my 20's and it is wonderful to finally get back to that place.  Ron and I were driving around Palm Springs on our trip back to the states when I spied a pawn shop.  In 2000, I pawned my flute in Palm Springs. Ron turned the car around and we went into the pawn shop where low and behold there were several silver flutes for sale. Funny how things come full circle.
Marlyn underwater

Walking on Water

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