Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pix from the Trip Down and Puerto Vallarta landing

Ron at the helm guiding us through Cedros Isle
We were at sea for three days and then another two days. Some Whales decided to follow along and the sunset was not to be believed. |One pix worth a thousand words....enjoy
Whales following along

Sunset at sea
Trinidad the sailing poodle

 Nocturnal Trinidad
Captain Daz and first mate Berkley, Yelapa

Rough Ride from Encenada to Magdalena Bay

We made it to Puerto Vallarta and the crew took a day trip to Yelapa.
The Chef takes five, Yelapa

Fresh Fruit

Ron with the Chef, lunch at Los Almeta
Ron's broken arm seems to be healing and the crew are making him take it slow, no jumping in the Lazarette, no disco dancing, and certainly no para sailing! He did however run into Ron's old friend, Ernie the wild-man of Puerto Vallarta and they took me with them on Ernie's speed boat, appropriately called 007! Never went 60 MPH on a boat before!(complete with blasting music) Toured the coastline and stopped for lunch on lovely beach called Los Almeta. Fresh Guacamole and Salsa, Ron had Fish Tacos, I opted for the Chicken Fajitas, and Ernie checked out the girls.

Relaxed Ron at Los Almeta

007 Wake!
 The Bahia De Banderas (Bay) is 20 miles wide and 20 miles indented into the land. The depth is off the charts at more than 5000 feet. Puerto Vallarta lies in the inner part of this large bay. There are varied anchorages and villages which make exploring the coastline very interesting. Yelapa is a unique village with no roads and no cars. The inhabitants are native Mexican and Americans living side by side. Slowdance sailed up to Yelapa for New years where we all swam in the beautiful water, got drunk with the locals and danced the night away at crazy little bar called the yacht club. The mix of people was the most diverse ever! Grandma's road in on their donkey's, little children laughing and running around the tables, old hippies, seasonal repeat tourists, odd random visitors, and the slowdance yacht! The fireworks at midnight was exceptional and the party went on long after we were all tucked in our cabins.

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